The Evaluation Principles on Luxiang Elite Scholarship for 2015’ SiMBA overseas students
等级 | 名额 | 金额 |
一等 | 1名 | 3万元 |
二等 | 2名 | 2万元 |
三等 | 5名 | 1.5万元 |
1. 仅限暨南大学二年级全日制MBA境外(包括海外及港澳台)学生,已获得中国政府奖学金、来粤奖学金或其他奖学金(不含路翔GMAT、GRE、TOEFL、IELTS 奖学金)及保留学籍(休学)的学生不参加评奖。
2. 评审委员会以学生第一学年的综合表现为主要依据进行评定。综合表现分为学习成绩、社会活动、思想品德素质和学术竞赛等方面,具体如下:
(1) 综合表现P评定因子分为学习成绩A、社会活动B、思想品德素质C、学术竞赛D ,它们的比重分别为70%、10%、10%、10%,即
(2) 学习成绩A=总出勤率x平均学分成绩,其中总出勤率为第一年的各课程出勤率的平均数,平均学分成绩以研究生院系统中的成绩为准。平均成绩低于80者取消评选资格。
(3) 社会活动B包含在学生组织中的任职得分B1、活动的参与程度B2、投稿数量B3,即B=B1+B2+B3,具体评分标准如下:
① 学生组织中的职位:联合会主席10分、副主席8分、部长6分、副部长4分、部员2分,俱乐部或其他学生组织评分上限与联合会部长一致;
② 活动参与情况:策划组织得5分、执行得3分、一般性参与得1分。此项得分以20分封顶,即当活动参与得分等于或超过20分时,都以20分计;
③ 投稿数量:即在中心网站、《扬帆》或其他非学术类刊物上的投稿数量(每篇得1分)。此项得分以10分封顶,即当投稿数量等于或超过10篇时,以10分计。
(4) 思想品德素质C的测评维度主要指学生所获的各级非学术类的奖项与表彰,具体评分标准如下:
获表彰级别 | 国家级 | 省市级 | 校级 | 学院级 |
得分 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 2 |
(5) 学术竞赛D:指学生所参加的各级学术竞赛性质的活动。参加一次学术竞赛得1分,获三等奖加2分,获二等奖加3分,获一等奖加4分。竞赛级别系数:院级1.0,校级1.2,省市级1.5,国家级1.8,世界级2.0,即D=∑[(学术竞赛次数+获奖情况)X竞赛级别系数]
(6) 各项得分以对同学提交的“奖学金信息表”审定结果为准,学生在提交表格时须附相应复印件,原件备查。
(7) 对学习成绩A、社会活动B、思想品德素质C和学术竞赛D的各项得分按比重进行加权加总后得出综合表现P的得分。根据P值排名,进行奖学金评定。
2. 具备申请资格者请尽快完成申请表(附件3),并于2015年1月20日前提交至赵老师处,请发至邮箱:mba@jnu.edu.cn;
3. 待收集、报呈材料后,学院将进行评定并择期公示结果。
--English Version--
By both of the University and the School’s care and guidance, according to “Jinan University SiMBA Scholarship Plan for Overseas Students” (appendix-1), Elite Scholarship for overseas students is evaluated by the consideration on academic performance, academic competitions, and social activities during the first year. And the scholarship is set as following:
Scholarships | Quotas | Amount (RMB) |
First Prize | 1 | 30,000 |
Second Prize | 2 | 20,000 |
Third Prize | 5 | 15,000 |
1.Oversea students mentioned here only refer to second-year registered Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, overseas Chinese and foreign students. Those who have won the CSC scholarships, Guangdong Government Outstanding Foreign Students Scholarship (GDGOFSS), or other scholarships (excluding Luxiang GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS scholarship) and maintain the school-rolls (application of absence) are not eligible.
2. The final result is composed of Final result of the first year study, including academic scores, social activities and other behaviors. The details are followed:
(1) The scholarship is evaluated by the comprehensive performance, including four factors: academic performance (A), social activities (B), Individual quality development(C) and academic competition (D). The weights of these factors are 70%, 10%, 10%and 10% respectively.
So, P=0.7A+0.1B+0.1C+0.1D
(2) A academic performance (A) = total attendance rate x GPA. Total attendance rate is the average of attendance rate of all courses in the first year. GPAs are taken from managerial system of Graduate School. The one whose GPA is below 80 is not eligible.
(3) The scores of social activities(B) are set as following:
①B1: the position in student organizations (chairman of Student Union gets 10 scores, vice-chair 8 scores, section-chief 6 scores, deputy section-chief 4 scores, staff 2 scores; the highest score from clubs and other student organization is not more than section-chief’s in Student Union. ),
② B2: Participation into activities (Planning and organization gets 5 scores, executive 3 scores, just general participation 1 score.),
③ B3: publication on MBA’s official website, magazine, or other platform (one article one score) during the first year.
So, B=B1+B2+B3
(4) Individual quality development (C) is subject to non academic awards and recognition from different levels. The scores are calculated as below:
Level | National | Province/City | University | School |
Score | 10 | 8 | 5 | 2 |
(5) The scores of academic competition (D) are set as following: those who took part in the academic competition can get one score each time, and added one score if getting third-prize, two scores if get second-prize, three scores if getting first-prize, and multiplied the coefficient of the levels of competitions: school level is 1.0, university level is 1.2, city and province level is 1.5, national wide is 1.8, worldwide is 2.0
So, D=∑ [(time + prize) X coefficient of the levels]
(6) The scores of all factors will be checked according to the Scholarship Information Form (attachment-1). Any supporting materials or copies are necessarily attached.
(7) Therefore the scholarship will be evaluated by the ranking of the weighted sum of scores of the academic performance, social activities, Individual quality development, and academic competition.
1. Please check the eligibility from appendix-2;
2. If eligible, please fulfill the form (appendix-3), and submit to Ms. Sunnie ZHAO, before January 20, 2017 via email:mba@jnu.edu.cn.
3. After collection, the materials will be submitted to the School who will announce the result according to evaluation.
4. MBA Education Center reserves the right for explanation.
附件appendix-1-外招生奖学金方案 Scholarship Plan for Overseas Students.docx
附件appendix-2-GPA & Eligibility.xlsx
附件appendix-3-奖学金信息表- Scholarship Information Form.docx
MBA教育中心/ The MBA Education Center
2017年1月12日/ Jan-12, 2017